Oral Conscious Sedation
We understand that a visit to the dentist can be daunting for many. To make sure that your experience with us is as comfortable and anxiety-free as possible, we offer oral conscious sedation. This method of sedation is designed to help you relax during your dental procedures, making your visit a more pleasant and less stressful experience.
Do you feel nervous about going to the dentist, even for simple routine treatments? Do you avoid going to the dentist altogether because of it? Are you putting off dental treatment that you know you need because you feel such extreme anxiety about it? We can make our patients relax and ease your mind with our oral conscious sedation.
Each year, countless individuals decide not to get the crucial dental care that they desperately need due to anxiety. This will almost certainly make your dental troubles get worse. If you’re among those who feel high levels of stress regarding dental treatments or even calling to get them set up, we are here to assist you.
At Sugarloaf Signature Dentistry, our priority is to make sure that your dental care is as comfortable as possible. This is why we go the extra mile to offer oral conscious sedation dentistry services. Discover our warm and friendly Sugarloaf Signature Dentistry dental team proudly serving Suwanee, GA, and all the surrounding local areas.
Whether you’re undergoing a routine cleaning or a more complex procedure, our oral conscious sedation option ensures that you will receive the care you need in the most comfortable manner possible. Call Sugarloaf Signature Dentistry to learn more about our sedation dentistry options today!
Give us a call now at 770-497-9111 to talk with our friendly dental team about sedation dentistry to get the care need! Set up your appointment today and calm your weary mind about getting the dental treatment you need.
What Is Oral Conscious Sedation?
Oral conscious sedation is a quick-acting sedative that you take prior to your dental procedure. At our office in Suwanee, we offer a pill that you can swallow.
In just a couple of minutes after taking the pill, you will notice that you feel more relaxed and at ease. We will begin your procedure once the effects of the medication have kicked in. You will be awake during your entire visit, but you will be more relaxed and less stressed about your surroundings and the work that we are performing.
Do I Need Oral Sedation Dentistry?
Not everyone requires oral sedation, but there are a couple of factors that make it a good option for patients. If the following factors apply to you, oral sedation might be a necessary component of your dental treatment plan.
You might consider adding sedation to your appointment if you:
- Experience Dental Anxiety | If you struggle with dental anxiety, oral sedation will numb your mouth and help you feel relaxed during your whole appointment. This makes it possible to receive quality care, and it puts your mind at ease while we perform procedures such as root canals, extractions, Implants, crowns, or even fillings. With the help of our oral sedation, you will experience the utmost relaxation during your dentist appointment.
- Have a Hard Time Sitting Still | A dental procedure requires you to sit still for an extended period of time. This can be difficult if you feel anxious or nervous. Oral sedation will make it possible for you to sit back and relax during your visit.
Oral conscious sedation has the ability to make you feel drowsy but also be very much at ease. You will have a memory of the procedure, but the memory will be pleasant.
- Have Very Sensitive Teeth | Due to a variety of factors, you might experience tooth sensitivity. Oral sedation is a great option to experience minimal sensitivity during your procedure.
- Have a Strong Gag Reflex | Anytime that dental work is performed, there is a strong likelihood that it will trigger your gag reflex. We want to avoid this as much as possible because a dentist’s hands must remain steady during a procedure. An oral sedative will relax your mouth and calm your gag reflex so we can get the work done and get you feeling better sooner.
Oral conscious sedation might not be a good option for you if you have preexisting health conditions. It is also not a good form of sedation for children. We have other types of sedation drugs and general anesthesia that are easy to administer, such as laughing gas (nitrous oxide), available for pediatric patients upon request.
Prior to administering any levels of sedation, we will review your medical history to make sure that it is appropriate for your needs. If you have any questions, our team will be more than happy to explain whatever concerns you may have. We can give you a mild to moderate sedation method that fits just right for you. Call our dentist’s office today to make your dental appointment.
Give us a call now at 770-497-9111 to talk with our friendly dental team about oral conscious sedation dentistry! Set up your appointment today to calm your mind about getting the dental treatment you need.
What Happens When I Take Oral Sedation?
Oral sedation is a very safe and effective sedative that we proudly offer.
Once you take our oral conscious sedation:
- You will very quickly feel more relaxed and at ease
- Combined with local anesthetic, it will make sure that you are in minimal discomfort.
- You’ll stay alert during your whole procedure.
- The effects gradually wear off after your appointment.
If you are feeling any anxiety at all or if you are interested in oral sedation for your next appointment, give us a call and let our dental team know! We would be happy to help you feel better about your next visit to our office.
Post Treatment Care
After your treatment is finished, you might feel a little groggy, sleepy, or less alert for the next few hours. These are all normal side effects of oral sedation that will gradually wear off through out the day.
Important: Oral sedation will impair your ability to drive home after your appointment. You will need to make sure that you plan accordingly for a ride home. Have a friend or family member pick you up so that you can make it home safely. Make sure to take it easy, and you will be feeling like yourself in no time.
Oral Conscious Sedation Near Me in Suwanee
Click or call to learn more about dental sedation in Suwanee, GA. Call our warm and friendly Sugarloaf Signature Dentistry Team Today!
At Sugarloaf Signature Dentistry, we prioritize your comfort and relaxation. Oral conscious sedation is a part of our commitment to your stress-free dental experience. For more information about oral conscious sedation dentistry or to schedule your appointment, contact our team today!
Give us a call now at 770-497-9111 to talk with our warm and friendly dental team about oral sedation dentistry! Set up your appointment today, and calm your mind about getting the dental treatment you need.